Green Remodel Options and How to Find a Remodel Contractor to Go Green

Why not remodel your home to be cool on summer, warm on winters and save energy while doing a favor for earth? When remodeling a home to get a new look consider green remodeling also. Traditional remodeling alone may come with enough concerns, issues and problems which can discourages a person’s thought of green remodeling. But it is worth compared to the cost as effectively redesigned home can savor you in long haul. Let’s consider what are the possible options to go green.

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning)
Utilizing the sunlight, air flow, cooling and heating can save energy, money and make home a comfortable and nice place to live. There are many energy efficient HVAC appliances in the market to choose from. Therefore to choose the right appliance with right combination may need professional’s advice.

Viable, renewable and sustainable materials
Use materials that leave less Carbon footprint on the environment. Nowadays finding products and materials that produced by recycled materials or designed to recycled is not very difficult. Besides wood flooring, you can consider using reclaimed wood, rubber, plastic, brick and recycled glass tiles, carpets as well.

Water Consumption
A home with a family need gallons of water for a day. Unfortunately it is a fact that most of the water is wasted at different times and places. For an example it is said that thousand of liters of water wasted during the year by a general home while waiting for hot water to come from the tap. Good news is there are solutions for reduce these problems also such as place home’s water heater as close as possible to the tap, use water conserving washers and low flush toilets etc.

Solar panels/lighting
There are many people who trimmed their electricity bill by insulating solar panels. It is a cost effective handy way to use sunlight as your power source for the home. By using solar panels and lighting you can be a responsible global person, and make positive impact on the environment. It is indeed renewable, durable and eco-friendly. Therefore well capable of saving your money from the moment you start using it.

These are very basic features to look into when green remodeling your home. If you want to remodel your home and at the same time want to go green, a professional home improvement contractor would be required (If you are in Northern Virginia, check out Daniels Remodeling & Design – They offer go green home remodeling services). Unlike general home improvement companies, finding a remodeling company that specialized in both renovating the home for better look and to go green could be a time consuming task. If finding such company via a referral happens to be a difficult task, consider searching Google. That way you do not have to go through various directories, contact each company and ask whether they are providing such services or not etc. Just search using the right phrase and you may find number of such companies. Most importantly look for a home renovation company within your state as it can help to mange the home remodeling project better. To fulfill all these needs try Google a phrase that includes green remodeling and the state you are living in. As a demonstrate if you are a citizen of Northern Virginia preferable phrases to Google would be “Green remodeling Northern Virginia” or “Green home remodeling Northern Virginia”.

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